Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Embattled China seeks greater technological self-reliance Denis Simon

The imperatives motivating Chinese leaders towards greater technological self-reliance have the potential to drive China further outside of the mainstream of the global economy. Were China to succeed in achieving greater technological independence from the West, the global economy could fundamentally change. Whether or not China will feel compelled to go down this path remains uncertain as the world seems to be shifting away from techno-globalism towards techno-nationalism....
"Whether or not China will feel compelled to go down this path remains uncertain"…. What is he talking about, "uncertain." China says it is certain in the article itself. "Xi has exhorted Chinese industry to focus on building ‘secure and controllable supply chains’ to overcome dependence on the West,.… "Exhorted" means "ordered." Xi is not asking them to do this. He is telling them to do it as a top priority. And the government will support it in every way possible, whatever it takes. This is existential. The only question that remains is how well they will succeed and it what timeframe.

East Asia Forum
Embattled China seeks greater technological self-reliance
Denis Simon is Professor of Chinese Business and Technology at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

Embattled developing countries seek greater technological self-reliance. Washington is concerned - Simon Denis