Sunday, August 5, 2018

Raphael Machado — Native Brazilian Traditions Against Liberal Globalism

Traditionalism versus liberalism.

Fort Russ
Native Brazilian Traditions Against Liberal Globalism
Raphael Machado

Dr. Charles Eastman was the son of a European American father and Native American woman. He was raised as a Native American (Sioux) and subsequently became a physician. He reported on his upbringing and the culture that was native to him. His works are available for download at the Internet Archive. I particularly recommend The Soul of the Indian.


Peter Pan said...

Doesn't sound remotely "progressive" to me. I wonder why the author would use that term.

Konrad said...

When Europeans first invaded the Americas, enslaving and exterminating as they went, the natives considered whites to be completely insane, not only in white people’s violence and greed, but in their basic thought processes.

I see no reason to question this native judgment.

In the past, we slaughtered the natives to “save their souls.” Today we slaughter foreigners to save their “democracy” and their “human rights.”

Same madness, different labels.

We must exterminate them to “save” them.

Tom Hickey said...

We must exterminate them to “save” them.

Right. And that is the tell that there's more to it than stated — usually money, or territory, or control.