Saturday, September 8, 2018

SyrianGirlpartisan - Interview with Ambassador Ford Part 1: Idlib and False Flag chemical Attacks

Peter Ford, Previous UK ambassador to Syria, is a very brave man. He says Trump just wants out of Syria but the the Permanent State says no. Peter Ford says the White Helmets are ISIS.


lastgreek said...

I disagree regarding the Orange One. He was and is a neocon hawk. It's just that Mattis, Kelley et al had made the mistake of explaining US foreign policy to him at a 7th-grade level. Once they brought it down a notch to a 6th-grade level or less, the Orange One was, you know, finally in the know ;)

Trump Administration Discussed Coup Plans With Rebel Venezuelan Officers

PS: Is there anyone in his administration who doesn't think he's an idiot? I mean they are all suspects. But seriously, if I were a betting man (instead of a philandering man), my money would be on Kellyanne Conway. Damn -- she the cunning bitch, me the naughty linguist ... we'd make a great team! ;)

Tom Hickey said...

I surmise that Trump's problem staying on target is lack of a center, which makes him behave in a somewhat schizoid fashion. He seems to have realized the futility of empire-building and nation-building. But after attaining power, he doesn't seem able to resist handling it to gratify his impulses, which are somewhat childish. But I am not a mind-reader.

Matt Franko said...