Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Real News Network - John McCain: Hawkish Voice of Military-Industrial Complex, Paved Way for Trump

John McCain was really horrible, that's for sure. In this episode, The Real News say there is not much difference between the policies of Trump and McCain except on Russia.  Trump and Steve Bannon see Russia as a European, Christian country they can be allies with against China.

Look at the crazed Steve Bannon call up militant evangelical Christians for the fight against 'amorphous' China. Jesus said love your neighbour and forgive your enemies, but I don't see much of that in Steve Bannon view of the world.  He is a xenophobic, paranoid right wing hawk.

John McCain was an extreme war hawk who represented the military-industrial complex on Capitol Hill. And while he sometimes clashed with Donald Trump, their politics were mostly similar, and the Republican senator opened the door by normalizing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Ben Norton reports


Konrad said...

McCain’s worshippers know that they are scum, just like McCain himself. Subconsciously they imagine that their own body is in McCain’s casket. They praise McCain’s evil in the hope that, despite their own evil, they will be worshipped when they die, just like they worship McCain now.

Tomorrow McCain will be planted, and then maybe the nation will forget about the P.O.S.

Kaivey said...

Its like Caligula, the Western elite have all gone insane. They are barking mad! They can only be psychopaths.

Noah Way said...

Nothing is more frightening than psychopaths rolling in money.

In a just world McCain would have been left to rot in a POW camp instead of the hundreds of other soldiers that were because agreed reparations were not paid.

Konrad said...

@ Kaivey: Caligula is a good analogy.

I wish I knew how to post images in this blog. I'm good with graphics programs, and I could make some satirical images.

Maybe a poster for a movie titled "The Madness of Caligula," which features an image or some images relevant to McCain and his worshippers.

Maybe I'll make a Twitter account and post comic satirical images there...until Twitter bans me.

Konrad said...

@ Noah Way:

In 2010, Sydney Schanberg (of “Killing Fields” fame) published an exposé of McCain’s efforts to make sure that many American POWs never came home from Vietnam.

In a letter dated 2 Feb 1972, President Nixon pledged $3.25 billion to Vietnam in reconstruction aid, if North Vietnam released American POWs. The letter was addressed to Hanoi’s premier, Pham Van Dong.

On 14 March 1973, Vietnam released 591 POWs, including McCain. However the USA refused to honor its promise of reconstruction aid. When McCain entered politics, he personally made sure that the POW issue (and America’s lies) was kept out of the media. McCain ordered all relevant documents classified, while he falsely claimed that no POWs remained in Vietnam.

McCain betrayed and abandoned American POWs. Nonetheless, an MIA / POW flag was placed outside of his office when he died.

Now the mass murdering psychopath is being hailed as a “champion of human rights.” In Vietnam, people are laying flowers at a memorial for McCain, who famously said in 2000, “I will always hate the gooks.”

Considering the madness of this McCain-worship, imagine how much worse it will be when Dick Cheney or Henry Kissinger dies.

Evidently this is the nature of society. Joseph Stalin oversaw the murder of millions of Russians. When Stalin died, millions of Russians paid him homage. Kill a neighbor and you go to prison. Kill millions of neighbors and you become a national hero.

Below is a reprint of the Schanberg article…