Thursday, September 6, 2018

Zero Hedge — Trump Does 180 Shift On Syria: Regime Change Back On The Table

Will the war in Syria never end? Will the international proxy war and stand-off between Russia, the United States, Iran, and Israel simply continue to drift on, fueling Syria's fires for yet more years to come?  It appears so according to an exclusive Washington Post report which says that President Trump has expressed a desire for complete 180 policy shift on Syria
Only months ago the president expressed a desire "to get out" and pull the over 2,000 publicly acknowledged American military personnel from the country; but now, the new report finds, Trump has approved "an indefinite military and diplomatic effort in Syria"....
Zero Hedge
Trump Does 180 Shift On Syria: Regime Change Back On The Table
Tyler durden


Konrad said...

Trump constantly changes his mind.

Meanwhile Russia anticipated that the Empire, facing defeat, would become desperate. There are 25 Russian warships parked in Syria waters (the most ever) to support the mopping up operation against U.S.-backed head-choppers in Idlib province.

Matt Franko said...

The oil is in the East....

Tom Hickey said...

The oil is in the East....

In the East are most of the oil fields, the US, some Kurds, some ISIS, and some "moderate" rebels.

In Idlib are various groups of Al Qaeda in Syria, Free Syrian Army ("moderate rebels") White Hats, some ISIS, and some Kurds that being besieged by the Syrian military, the Russian military, and some Iranian military. Turkey is also in the West, chiefly fighting Kurds but trying to carve a piece out of Syria in the final settlement.