Sunday, October 7, 2018

Mme Ulstein - The Great Libya before 2011 and the humanitarian tragedy that followed

Mme Ulstein, who originates from Algeria and lived for several years in Libya in the 1980’s states: “Many don’t know the truth about Gaddafi’s Libya. It was the richest country in Africa and Gaddafi was not trying to kill his people. These were media lies and we all know it.”
She says: “In Libya under Muammar Gaddafi, education was free for everyone, grants were given to those who wished to study abroad, health care was free, gasoline and other necessities subsidized Each family had their own car, living a healthy life comparing to the other countries. It’s thanks to the Libyan people that the tourism went so well in Tunisia.”
“Gaddafi was supporting the African states, he was giving a big hand to Nelson Mandela in South Africa. He helped the Palestinians in Israel. He was a revolutionary person. He was against unfairness, against discrimination based on color. He was for equality and justice. But the West completely demonized him.”


Konrad said...

If this world ever becomes sane, it will see the West’s destruction of Libya as one of the worst crimes of the 21st century. Not in terms of the amount of people killed and wounded, but in terms of the fall from Africa’s most prosperous nation to its most ruined.


On a different note, if you ever wonder why the .001% rule the 99.99%, consider Libya…

When you tell people that education and health care were free in Gadhafi’s Libya, and that married couples received monthly cash benefits for their children, and on and on, many Americans will respond with, “That’s COMMUNISM!”

Free college? COMMUNISM!

Universal Medicare? COMMUNISM!

A universal basic income? COMMUNISM!

Any reduction in the violent madness of society? COMMUNISM!

One day a man came to the plantation and told all the slaves that if they went with him, they would all be free, and would all be taken care of, and would never be abused again. The man was speaking truthfully, but more than half of the slaves screamed “THAT’S COMMUNISM!”

And so the men departed, and the slaves continued to suffer forever and ever. The end.

Bob Roddis said...

1. Wasn't Gadaffi talking about taking Libya and Africa out of the US fiat funny money system? We can't have that, can we?

2. The Democrat base simply cannot emotionally handle evidence of war crimes committed by their God Obama.

3. The Republican base simply cannot emotionally handle evidence of war crimes committed by their Gods Israel and Bibi.