Sunday, October 7, 2018

Tony Hanson - Western atrocities in the Middle East create massive hatred towards the West: Libya, Syria

 Tommy Hansen is a Danish, Berlin based journalist, founder of, a news site that features over 150 journalists’ work in Europe.
In the Herland Report conversation, he speaks passionately about the deep rooted moral problem of Western culture as the implementation of democracy now is done by bombing countries.
Afterwards, as that particular nation disintegrates into civil war and anarchy, Western companies take control of their oil revenues, the gas and the billion dollar business of rebuilding the country. This is all part of the plan, states Hansen. And adds that the whole world is watching, silently, afraid that they are the next in line to be bombed if they utter a word. 
Hansen points out that even though the Western media does not talk about the massive hatred that this creates towards the West, we have to understand the sentiments felt in the nations where this kind of abuse happens. Libya is a good example.
The Western participation in the wars in the Middle East, both in Libya and in Syria, is the main cause for millions of refugee to flow into Europe.When terror attacks happen on European soil, we rightfully mourn. But, when it happens in Syria, Iraq or Libya and thousands upon thousands are killed, our media keeps silent.

1 comment:

Konrad said...

“Afterwards, as that particular nation disintegrates into civil war and anarchy, Western companies take control of their oil revenues, the gas and the billion dollar business of rebuilding the country.”

And don’t forget the water. As climate change makes global droughts more and more common, and pollution becomes more and more widespread, water becomes more and more “blue gold.” It would be possible (albeit painful) for mankind to live without oil, but no earthly life form can live without water.

Libya has a vast, unpolluted, underground water source known as the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer. Gadhafi had built a mammoth system to get that water called the “Great Man-Made River,” which is the world’s largest irrigation system, and the world’s largest underground network of pipes. It consists of more than 1,300 wells, most more than 1,640 feet deep, and it yields 1.7 billion gallons of fresh water every day.

When NATO destroyed Libya, all that water fell under control of French water giants like Veolia Water, and British water giants like Severn Trent and Thames Water Utilities (a private company that rules the water supply in England).

That unpolluted fresh water was already there. So was the vast infrastructure to access it. Western corporations simply stole it.

“We came, we saw, we stole it, ha, ha, ha!”

Gadhafi also wanted African nations to share their own currency. Fourteen nations in Africa (148 million people) are ruled by France via the CFA franc currency. France in turn is ruled by the Troika via the euro. Indeed, since the CFA franc is pegged to the euro, the real controller of those fourteen African nations is the ECB in Frankfurt. Many other African nations are directly or indirectly ruled by the IMF and the Bank of England.

Gadhafi wanted to liberate Africa from all this tyranny. Gadhafi also wanted Africa to have its own telephone and communications satellite system. Worst of all, Gadhafi never groveled to Israel, unlike most Arab League nations. And he was never a neoliberal. Clearly he had to go.