Saturday, February 2, 2019

Is the US Meddling in Venezuela? Max Blumenthal Asks US Congress Members.

Amidst Russiagate fever, the Grayzone's Max Blumenthal heads to Capitol Hill to ask members of Congress if they think the US is meddling in Venezuela's political system. The Trump administration had recently recognized the president of the country's National Assembly as interim president of the nation and intensified sanctions on the country.


Konrad said...

Most of the Congress people are dumb as rocks. "What's a Venezuela?"


Below is a song against racism that I uploaded to YouTube seven years ago. Images made by me. Music by my good friend Ron LLoyd...

Konrad said...

The movie Antarctica (Japan, 1982) is about a group of Japanese scientists in Antarctica who have sleigh dogs. In order for the scientists to save their lives, they must leave Antarctica in a hurry, and they cannot take their dogs with them. We then follow the abandoned dogs as they struggle to survive on the ice, and die once by one. (The movie was so sad that I could never watch it a second time.) The Japanese scientists are so troubled by leaving the dogs behind that they eventually return to Antarctica to see if any dogs survived. They find that a handful did survive, and there is a joyous reunion.

Vangelis did a memorable soundtrack for the movie. Below is an excerpt titled “Antarctic Echoes.”

Kaivey said...

I don't think I could watch that film either. I don't even like nature films much anymore.

Have you heard this. It gets quite heavy in places, but tends to be beautiful.

Ulrich Schnauss - 2003 A Strangely Isolated Place [FULL ALBUM]

Kaivey said...

We don't Big Brother, but we're scared to lose our jobs. That finance guy was scared to lose his job, so he preferred not to comment at the end. That's how they control us.

They say you must be careful what your write on social media because if your boss sees something he doesn't like that might be the end of your promotion.

If I was still at work, I would be telling everyone about MNE's, but if my employer saw what I write, any future promotion might be finished.

Kaivey said...

Nice songs, Konrad. I haven't uploaded anything to YouTube yet. I have a couple of Robyn Hitchcock covers that are excellent which are not available anywhere.

Konrad said...

I’m listening to it now as I type this. Nice. Unusual.

The movie Antarctica was sad, but the music wasn’t.

As for that anti-racism video, I forgot I had made and uploaded that. It was seven years ago. Wow.


“They say you must be careful what your write on social media because if your boss sees something he doesn't like, that might be the end of your promotion.”

Several different people have told me in person that they chose not to hire job applicants because of things the applicants had written on Facebook.

Why do people use their real names online? Naiveté? Perhaps they start blogging on innocuous topics, and they lull themselves to sleep. Over time they gradually drift into blogging about controversial or politically sensitive topics. Since they are still using their real names, they get punished.