Monday, February 4, 2019

Who’s at fault for Yellow Vests protests? Macron blames...

Russia gets the blame again. The ruling elite are like children - except they're so dangerous. Everything gets blamed on the Russians.

Who is at fault for Yellow Vest protests raging in France since November? For President Emmanuel Macron it's not actual economic problems or his own decisions, but the right, the left, social media and, of course, 'Russes'.


Noah Way said...

My car ha a dead battery this morning. #%&*?! Russians ...

Ralph Musgrave said...

I just looked up the Gini coefficients (measure of inequality) for France and the UK and it seems the UK is slightly more unequal. So the French yellow vest lot puzzle me.

There's an attempt to organise yellow vest parades in the UK in about a week's time, one of them 2 miles from where I live. Can't be bothered turning up: I'd rather sit in the warm in front of a TV with a can of beer.

Konrad said...

Ralph… If the UK was monetarily the same as France, then UK riots would be tend times worse than in France, since the UK trade deficit is ten times larger than France’s deficit. Everyone would riot, including you.

If the UK government could not create pounds sterling out of thin air, then the UK would instantly and totally starve. But since the UK government can create infinite spending money out of thin air, austerity by the UK government is 100% gratuitous and unnecessary.

By contrast, austerity by the French government is automatic and unavoidable, since the French government cannot create euros out of thin air. And since France has a huge and growing trade deficit, France is bleeding more and more euros outward. The French government is going further and further into debt, and must impose more and more austerity to pay on the debt. And since rich people and big corporations pay no taxes in France, all of the burden falls on the lower classes. Macron’s recent fuel tax had nothing to do with climate change. All the revenue would have gone to pay the bankers that lend to France.

Because of the euro scam, the French government is so indebted that it cannot help rural areas. No schools, police, fire departments, road maintenance, postal service, parcel delivery, train service…nothing.

Rural dwellers are the core of the yellow vest protesters.

Nebris said...

Putinka is an autocrat who runs Russia like a mob boss. That said, he has a number of justifiable reasons to hate The West and I have no doubt that he 'puts the stick' wherever he can. But The West has so many Deep Structural Problems that he really doesn't have to do much.

What gets consistently ignored about the hacking of the DNC [which may or may not have been a GRU op] is that everything in the emails was true; Hillary and the DNC were working hard to put the skids under Bernie.

And maybe the GRU also messed with voting machines in Rust Belt states [not saying the did] but the GOP had already engaged in so much gerrymandering and voter suppression that the GRU would not have to done very much to swing the outcome.

What I'm saying is The West has already dug so much of its own grave that the Russians need only pass out a sandbox shovel or two to finish the job.