Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lee Camp: The War in Afghanistan Is a Fraud (and Now We Have Proof)

Nearly 20 years later, if you ask a U.S. general or president (any of them) what the goal is in Afghanistan, they’ll feed you a word salad so large it’ll keep you regular for months.

Just think is they spent this money on the American people instead? With healthier, more highly educated Americans capitalism and entrepreneurs would flourish.

'Crumbs, there must be a way us elites can get that money instead, hey, we will just start endless wars and scare the taxpayer into giving us their money'

Yes, this is hardly shocking, since $21 trillion has gone unaccounted for at the Pentagon over the past 20 years. That’s two-thirds of the amount of money wrapped up in the entire stock market. Money has been flowing into Afghanistan so fast that officials aren’t even able to waste it quick enough! (I wish that were a joke.)

From the Post’s report, again: “One executive at USAID guessed that 90 percent of what they spent was overkill: ‘We lost objectivity. We were given money, told to spend it and we did, without reason.’ … One contractor said he was expected to dole out $3 million daily for projects in a single Afghan district roughly the size of a US county.”

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