Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bill Mitchell — The Bandwagon effect – caution not credit is needed

We all know what the – Bandwagon effect – is. There is a lot of research literature in social psychology trying to understand why people who believe one thing one minute, suddenly ditch that belief system and appear to be proponents of a new belief system, often, in total contradiction to their previous views. The effect is related but distinct from the Groupthink phenomenon which I have written about extensively in relation to the way mainstream economics has maintained a hold on the public debate despite being unable to explain anything useful. Whatever the underlying explanations – social norms, conformity pressures, information cascades and the rest of it – the ‘Bandwagon effect’ is rampant at the moment among economists. It appears that everyone has become an expert on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and want to drop the term into their Op Eds, media articles etc despite, in many cases, writing in the not to distant past, ridiculous mainstream articles that are the anathema of MMT. I give those who are jumping on the bandwagon no credit at all. The reason is that these sort of shifts are dangerous. They typically misrepresent our work and attempt to interpret it within the old paradigm, which just leads to the general public, especially where the commentator has a high public profile, being mislead … as usual. Everyone, apparently is an MMTer now. But from what they say we know that is not the case. And just as this cohort swing to save face in what is a glaringly obvious empirical rejection of all the mainstream predictions and theoretical constructs, they will swing again and start talking about ‘budget repair’ and ‘inflation’ and ‘debt burdens on our grandchildren’ when the dust settles and the elites push to regain their dominant position. We should not be lulled into creating liaisons that are not sustainable or based on a true shift in view....
False friends and untrustworthy allies.
On the one hand, it is a good thing that our work has now reached mainstream status and more people are realising that the main insights are undeniable, despite years of denial from those opposed.
But, as I have cautioned before, when there is a paradigm shift going on in any academic discipline, the resistance from the dominant but degenerative paradigm takes many forms.
The smarter members, who see the writing on the wall, try to capture the emerging paradigm and re-express it in their own language and concepts – just as the Hicksian IS-LM framework stole Keynes’ work not long after it was published.
Those on the periphery of the dominant paradigm, the media and commentators who continually reinforce the dominant paradigm through their journalism get stuck betwixt.... 
Bill Mitchell – billy blog
The Bandwagon effect – caution not credit is needed
Bill Mitchell | Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia


Matt Franko said...

"The smarter members, who see the writing on the wall, try to capture the emerging paradigm and re-express it in their own language and concepts "

That is called a 'dialectic synthesis'... its trained under the Liberal Arts methodology...

"Dialectic comprises three stages of development: first, a thesis or statement of an idea, which gives rise to a second step, a reaction or antithesis that contradicts or negates the thesis, and third, the synthesis, a statement through which the differences between the two points are resolved."

they are making statements in attempting the resolving of the differences between their Theory and the MMT Theory...

Matt Franko said...

then I would point out that instead of examining what is going in thru the employment of literal language, Bill is employing more figurative language by calling this "the bandwagon effect"...

why introduce new figurative language when there is plenty of non figurative literal language like I have cited above that explains what is going on????

More figurative language is not going to help... it will just be confusing...

See how this works? its diabolical...

Peter Pan said...

Who cares if MMT is trending among economists?
Not the public. The chattering classes, perhaps.

Until politicians start squawking about MMT, the public will have no idea what is going on. What they are observing in their leaders is incompetence. We wouldn't want the public to associate MMT with incompetence, now would we?

S400 said...

”then I would point out that instead of examining what is going in thru the employment of literal language,”

That analysis don’t work. It’s about power. Your “language” analysis is totally misplaced.

Matt Franko said...

No it’s not Bill is conducting an examination of MMTs information failure...

I’m not bringing up “bandwagon” ... HE is...

Bill is trying to explain what his dialectic opponents (no figurative language) are doing thru the introduction of figurative language

It’s not necessary and is not working and hasn’t worked in over 10 years I’ve been observing these people operating under their dialectic methodology...

“It’s about power”


Matt Franko said...

Yo the title of his blog post is “the bandwagon effect”

Title is not “the power effect”....


Matt Franko said...

Like the other day Tom wrote “why is MMT so hard to grok”

What the hell is “grok” now? Where did this thing come from?..

The Platonists keep confounding the language...

S400 said...

You simply don’t grasp language.

Matt Franko said...


“They typically misrepresent our work and attempt to interpret it within the old paradigm, which just leads to the general public, especially where the commentator has a high public profile, being mislead … “

This the subject of the blog not power...

Public is not going to be helped by the introduction of more figurative language with his “bandwagon” ...

The “commentator “ is a BA in Communication or BA in Journalism and is doing what that trains do do which is synthesize the two opposing Theories...

S400 said...

“a statement through which the differences between the two points are resolved." “

That is your snip. They are not trying to resolve anything. Their goal is to stay in their position, that means right now saving their ass by embracing whatever is needed which will be thrown out whenever it’ll be needed.

Your analysis is superficial and driven by cherry-picking due to your political bias and don’t get you or anyone anywhere.

S400 said...

It’s all about power. If you had the ability to grasp context then you would understand that. But you don’t grasp context. Your not trained to grasp context.

Matt Franko said...

I think I understand it better than you...

What’s your explanation then ?

It’s a “neoliberal conspiracy” right?

When the “commentators” are all lefty commie losers like you too?

Yeah that makes a lot of sense...

S400 said...

It means nothing that YOU think you understand it. You don’t and show it again and again.

Your technique is simple right wing cherry picking combined with denial. That’s what you’re trained in. Nothing new there.

S400 said...

“What’s your explanation then ?“

And you ask that after I’ve written it in plain English. Now there’s one major problem you have and which you NEVER CORRECT.
You scan text to pick something out of context and ignore everything else to “prove” something driven by your political bias making you arrive at a judgement or opinion by faulty reasoning.

Matt Franko said...

I understand power perfectly well...

The information failure is obviously transcending power... you have people on the right side of political power and people on the left side of political power BOTH thinking “we’re out of money!”...

This is not a problem with power...

S400 said...

No you don’t and I’ve explained why.

Still a matter of power. Right wingers has always denied the question of power as that denial fits their agenda. You’re trained to deny everything that doesn’t fit your political bias.

Matt Franko said...

Yes... figurative language...

Matt Franko said...

S, maybe you are referring to Bills previous blog about power?

Not this one which is about information failure...

I’m explaining the cause of the information failure here...

You want to discus power that’s a separate topic..

I don’t care who is in power if those in power are morons I won’t agree with them very much if at all...

S400 said...

This post is also about power.

Greg said...

So how do YOU get to be the moron detector.? Especially since you obviously don’t put Trump in the moron camp

Peter Pan said...

Trump has a BSc in economics.

Something has gone horribly wrong...