Saturday, February 2, 2019

Vanessa Beeley — Civilians in Police Crosshairs as France Adopts Totalitarian Tactics to Squash Yellow Vests

The insanity of Macron supporting the “uprising” in Venezuela while sanctioning vicious reprisals against his own people at home is glaringly obvious to all but Macron and his backers....
MintPress News
Civilians in Police Crosshairs as France Adopts Totalitarian Tactics to Squash Yellow Vests
Vanessa Beeley

1 comment:

Konrad said...

“The insanity of Macron supporting the ‘uprising’ in Venezuela while sanctioning vicious reprisals against his own people at home is glaringly obvious to all but Macron and his backers...”

Macron is a puppet, like Trump. Macron follows orders from oligarchs, plus Brussels and Germany.

The yellow vest protests are real. The protests against Maduro are limited to small areas, and consist of the affluent and bored kids of rich people.