Thursday, November 1, 2018

Alex Ward — John Bolton just gave an “Axis of Evil” speech about Latin America

Socialism is "tyranny," you see.

The US has been after regime change in Cuba —unsuccessfully— since the Bay of Pigs invasion. But it has done its best to ruin the economy. Because "socialism is tyranny."

So now we an "axis of evil" on Latin America in addition to the Bush era axis of evil — Iraq, Iran, and North Korea — and Russia and China named as chief adversaries.

Anyone else hear the sound of war drums beating getting louder?

Alex Ward

See also
“The recent elections of like-minded leaders in key countries, including Ivan Duque in Colombia, and last weekend Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, are positive signs for the future of the region, and demonstrate a growing regional commitment to free-market principles, and open, transparent, and accountable governance,” Bolton said in his speech at Miami-Dade College.
He did not address widespread concerns about Bolsonaro’s stated admiration for Brazil’s 21-year military dictatorship and its use of torture, and portrayed repression in Latin America as an exclusively communist phenomenon.
“[T]oday, in this hemisphere, we are also confronted once again with the destructive forces of oppression, socialism and totalitarianism” Bolton said.
“Under this administration, we will no longer appease dictators and despots near our shores in this hemisphere. We will not reward firing squads, torturers, and murderers … The troika of tyranny in this hemisphere – Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua – has finally met its match.”
The reality is that the "dictators" Bolton mentions were not socialist leaders but US puppets like Pinochet in Chile and Samoza in Nicaragua.  It was the Sandinistas led by Ortega, the sitting president of Nicaragua, whom Bolton wants to remove, that ousted the repressive Samoza regime.

The Guardian
Bolton praises Bolsonaro while declaring ‘troika of tyranny’ in Latin America
Julian Borger

See also
Bolton also announced plans to sanction Cuba and Nicaragua, which, together with Venezuela, he dubbed the "Troika of Tyranny."
"This triangle of terror stretching from Havana to Caracas to Managua is the cause of immense human suffering, the impetus of enormous regional instability, and the genesis of a sordid cradle of communism in the Western Hemisphere," he said. "Under President Trump, the United States is taking direct action against all three regimes to defend the rule of law, liberty, and basic human decency in our region."
Last week, a U.S. Treasury official said the United States should publicize Turkey's involvement in the Venezuela gold industry. Marshall Billingslea, assistant secretary for terrorist financing at Treasury, said the Turkish government skirted international sanctions by purchasing tons of Venezuelan gold in recent months.
The US policy under acting–president John Bolton is engaging in economic warfare with any nation that refuses to submit to the American Empire. "America First" acquires a necon meaning. What happened to the elected president who campaigned on reducing foreign entanglement.

I am puzzled. How did liberal interventionism in the mode of HRC, whom the American people rejected, replace the America First of DJT? And how did the national security adviser become acting–POTUS?

U.S. sanctions Venezuela's gold exports
Danielle Haynes

See also

The US gets the finger again. 189 to 2 (US and Israel), with 2 abstaining (Ukraine and Moldova). The US couldn't even get Ukraine aboard. Talk about sending a message.
The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted its 27th annual resolution calling for an end to the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba after a failed bid by Washington to amend the text to push Cuba to improve its human rights record.
The U.N. vote can carry political weight, but only the U.S. Congress can lift the more than 50-year-old embargo. The United States and Israel voted against the resolution, 189 countries voted in favor and Ukraine and Moldova did not vote.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told the General Assembly that the resolution was an opportunity for countries “to feel they can poke the United States in the eye.”…
The United States voted against the U.N. resolution last year along with its ally Israel. The General Assembly’s remaining 191 members voted in favor....
Has the US lost all its soft power and now sees its hard power dwindling, too?

One America
U.N. urges end to U.S. embargo on Cuba, U.S. raises rights concerns
Michelle Nichols


Kaivey said...

It looks like they can just make anything up and people just believe them. When I said Putin is not so bad to one of my friends recently his eyes nearly popped out of his head with fear. You see, you only have to mention the name, Putin, and people go into a knee jerk sate of terror. Even my brother said in despair that Putin murders his enemies. He now thinks I'm some sort of traitor. And PCR mentioned he had the same problem with a cousin recently.

Everyone has been taken over - the invasion of the body snatchers - they have been brainwashed.

Matt Franko said...

Wiki:”Bolton attended Yale University, earning a B.A. and graduating summa cum laude in 1970. ”


Kaivey said...

Bolton is a lizard person.

Konrad said...

“It looks like they can just make anything up and people just believe them.”~ Kaivey

Yes, because most people prefer to live in a comic book world in which “we” are good and “they” are evil.

“They” is whoever people are told is “they.”

In this respect, right-wingers are just as mindless as are liberals. Both sides have their respective fairy tales.

“Even my brother said in despair that Putin murders his enemies.”~ Kaivey

That’s fairy tale thinking again. Beginning with Obama, the U.S. government has publically and unequivocally reserved the right to assassinate any U.S. citizen anywhere at any time without trial or charge. Sometimes this is by drone missile; sometimes by other means. The US government also silences its targets by disappearing them into prisons. That’s what will happen to Julian Assange.

Part of me envies people like Kaivey’s brother, who live in imaginary dream worlds. On the other hand, people who live in dream worlds are the ones who march off to die in wars.

“Everyone has been taken over - the invasion of the body snatchers - they have been brainwashed.”~ Kaivey

No one can be brainwashed without his consent. A subject must want to be brainwashed. He must choose to be programmed.

We like to think that we are involuntary victims of programming, but the reality is that when we fully believe in lies, it is because we want to. We choose to not question the lies.