Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Brad DeLong on the election returns

And, of course, in 2016 three million more voters cast their votes for Democratic than for Republican Senate candidates. And the 2018 House vote went Democratic by 9.2 percentage point:: FiveThirtyEight: Significant Digits For Wednesday, November 7, 2018l: "Voters cast 44.7 million votes for Democratic Senate candidates and 32.9 million votes for Republican Senate candidates... 57 percent of Senate votes went for Democrats...
Another reason that America is a republic rather than a democracy, with "democracy" being defined as majority rule.

This is not necessarily a bad thing from the liberal point of view, however. Liberalism addressed human rights in terms of both individuals and minorities in order to avoid the tyranny of the majority.

Grasping Reality
And, of course, in 2016 three million more voters cast their votes for Democratic than for Republican Senate candidates...
Brad DeLong | Professor of Economics, UCAL Berkeley


Ryan Harris said...

Not to rain on the ideology parade.

I know economists are prone to pontification without reading or doing math and making ideology fit. But.... more Democratic district senators were on the ballot yesterday. And more to the point, yesterday in those races Democrats won 22 seats and 13 Rs. Dems won 62% of the seats available with ***only*** 57% of the vote.

So getting back to the Republic bit? What exactly is DeLong griping about? Dems won more than they should have given the proportion of votes cast in their favor.

Matt Franko said...

They’re ALL partisan hacks Ryan...

Greg said...

Sorry Ryan but that’s nonsense

It’s conceivable that you could win 57% of vote everywhere and win 100% of the contests. The rate you win the contests does not necessarily correlate exactly to the margin you win the contests.

Not the kind of error I’d expect from you

Greg said...

And of course Matt, the STEM master, goes right along with him.......smh

Matt Franko said...

Greg you’re an idiot...

The whole point here is that ass hurt Dems have been complaining about the electoral college since Hillary’s 2016 defeat in the electoral college...

Greg said...

That’s not the whole point you fucking ass wipe... read his comment....... here I’ll quote it for you

“ and more to the point , yesterday in those races Democrats won 22 seats and Rs 13. Dems won 62% of the seats available with***only*** 57% of the vote”

Moron Matt

Matt Franko said...

Oh ok, so leftist partisan Democrat Delong can create his own inapplicable statistical illustration to take a shot at republican government....BUT ..... private citizen Ryan creates his own inapplicable statistical illustration as rhetorical counter point THATS not allowed...

OK I see how the leftist mind works now thanks....

Matt Franko said...

Hey Greg, if you read Australian Bill Mitchell, when he refers to “the top end of town” in his writing, do you think he is talking about the cohort of people only who live above a certain elevation?

Bob Roddis said...

Hey Matt Franko:

I've never called you a nasty name, have I? All I've really ever said is that you don't understand Austrian School analysis and you've never said that you did.