Sunday, November 18, 2018

Clarissa — Kardashianization of Politics

Journalists simply follow ratings. The Kardashians have a huge following. When you see a woman who is a parody of a star on the Kardashians, you’ve got to put her on to attract viewers. I tune in for her like I don’t for Elizabeth Warren or Paul Ryan because she’s simply so goshdarn funny. It’s the Kardashian-type funny but it’s still entertaining.
Alexandria the Great Ocasio-Cortez.

The "younger generation" is about being natural and part off that means "not politically correct," let alone "serious." The older generation — the folks on the way out — grew up in an environment in which success meant "being serious," so as to establish gravitas and finally be recognized as a "very serious person" (VSP). That's out now. The mask is off.

This short blog post captures it. 

"The times they are a-changin'." (Dylan's Nobel in Literature is looking a lot more prescient. If you haven't yet read his Nobel lecture, it's good.)

Clarissa's Blog
Kardashianization of Politics

See also

The Establishment answer — wishful thinking.

Face the Nation — CBS
Commentary: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becomes the Sarah Palin of the Left

See also

Bonus pic. Alexandria the Great, Stephanie Kelton opposite, Pavlina Tcherneva behind (Twitter).

Three "power ladies" to be reckoned with. Wait, make that "high power ladies," as in, "You ain't seen nuthin' yet."


Ryan Harris said...

First Freshman Speaker.
Future President.
First Socialist.
First Latina.

She's brilliant, not even Trump can outshine her charisma.

Matt Franko said...

RT jumping on the nit picking bandwagon:
