Sunday, November 4, 2018

EFT Madness (Emotional Freedom Technique). Does it work?

I like to put something out here occasionally that is non political or about economics but which I have found interesting.

I found this video about EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - to be quite fascinating.

To me EFT is absolutely crazy, in fact, I always considered it to be a scam, but now a district within the British NHS is offering EFT to its patients. 

Professor Dr Tony Stewart's research (he is a NHS consultant) showed that EFT can be effective in only 4 or 5 sessions compared to CBT which might need up to 20 sessions. He now trains other doctors in the technique, including EFT Matrix Reprinting, which is a way of resolving childhood trauma. 

EFT is also being used on physical illnesses, including chronic ones. 

I'm open minded on it at the moment. 

Professor Tony Stewart Talking About EFT on BBC Midlands

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