Tuesday, November 6, 2018

RT - Brazilian Invasion of Venezuela a “Very Serious” Threat

Venezuela has paid for the insulin needed for 60 thousand patients but the US has blocked the shipment. Without the insulin these people, including children, could die.

The U.S. is really mean to inflict such a horrible death, but where's the outcry in the Western media? Washington is hoping to force the Venezuelans into removing their government.

John Bolton says he's a Christian and so do many others in the Trump government.  But they are the devil after the oil.

Anya Parampil dissects a recent speech made by senior Treasury official Marshall Billingslea at the Brookings Institution, in which he claims governments in Venezuela and Nicaragua “threaten the integrity” of the international financial system. Anya exposes the banking and oil interests which fund Brookings and breaks down Billingslea’s misleading statements regarding the death toll from anti-government demonstrations in Nicaragua and Venezuela. Gloria La Riva, an organizer with the anti-war ANSWER Coalition joins Anya to discuss the role think tanks and NGOs play in supporting US regime-change goals in Latin America as well as disturbing reports which suggest Brazil may take military action against Venezuela under the leadership of President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro.


Matt Franko said...

“Venezuela has paid for the insulin needed for 60 thousand patients but the US has blocked the shipment.”

Well they can always just make their own then.... easy-peezy....

André said...

"Brazilian Invasion of Venezuela a “Very Serious” Threat"

"disturbing reports which suggest Brazil may take military action against Venezuela under the leadership of President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro."

For God's sake Kaivey, you need to be more selective on what you post. This one is complete nonsense. We should be cautious and try not multiplying bizarre lies.

Matt Franko said...

“We should be cautious and try not multiplying bizarre lies.“

LOL.... The whole MMT “neoliberal conspiracy!” thesis relies on bizarre lies....

If you look at it, I don’t think MMT could even exist without their belief in bizarre lies....

André said...


"If you look at it, I don’t think MMT could even exist without their belief in bizarre lies...."

I believe that the chartalist theory (taxes drive money) is true, which is the most important (but not the only) aspect of MMT.
I'm not so sure about the rest...

Matt Franko said...

“Drive money” is just more figurative language...

André said...


"Taxes drive money" is a shorthand term I use to explain a concept that I thought should be clear for people participating in a blog that claims to be "with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)".

It is the concept that modern currency is a token that has no inherent value in itself. Such token turn out to be valuable just because there is a state that imposes taxes on its citizen in such tokens (and enforces it through its monopoly over violence). Those who do not want to face the punishment for not paying taxes will demand/value such tokens. And the state is the one who supplies such tokens in exchange for labour, goods and services. Hence, the currency is primarily a tool for the state to transfer resources from the private sphere to the state sphere.

That is the pillar on what MMT is built upon, and I really believe that real world evidence supports the "taxes drive money" theory.

Matt Franko said...

Well if you avoid taxes you go to jail... I agree with that...

I dont see the need to identify what “drives” another figure of speech “money” in the first place...

More dumbing it down for people who are not properly trained in the discipline imo...

André said...

It is just an easy way to put a complex concept