Friday, November 2, 2018

The Saker — Trump goes full retard…

So yes, Hillary would have been worse, but that’s truly the best I can say about the man.
If that is what leads the Empire, expect the latter to tank very fast.
The Vineyard of the Saker
Trump goes full retard…
The Saker

See also

This Can't be Happening
Scaremongering is the Only Thing Trump and Republicans Have Got
Dave Lindorff

1 comment:

Kaivey said...

Do you know, this is how I feel. We don't know how bad Hilary may have been, although the possibility of her starting WW3 was high, because we know she was very pro war. But Trump is horrible and wants war with Iran, which might also trigger WW3.

Trump is destroying the environment, trump is hands out tax cuts to the rich who don't need it. Trump stands for everything I hate. He's grotesque. 'The economy is booming under Trump', yes, because the markets are salivating about the 110 $billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia, and the previously illegal stock buy backs scam.