British Conservative Party says we need to reduce spending because we have run out of money and so they have implemented harsh austerity. Public services have been cut to the bone and the NHS is struggling while waiting lists have increased.
Lots of people have had their benefits cut, or taken away completely, and suicides have been on the rise. Millions of people who have paid the full tax rate throughout their lives find when they get old, or ill, that there are no benefits for them.
To reduce benefits the Conservatives have used private companies to access if people are eligible for benefit. One question asked will be can you prepare food for yourself?. If a person lives on their own and answers yes (because they would starve to death otherwise) but says only with great difficulty due to terrible pain, or dreadful complications, they will get 0 points. The accessor will write down that the person can prepare a simple meal for themselves. A consultant, or GP, saying how ill a person is doesn't count.
VAT is now at a whopping 20% to make up for the shortfall, they say. And we can't live beyond our means, they tell us.
It's sad how the British public puts up with this, but they are not being informed by the media.
This is what they don't want you to know:
The Conservatives have borrowed more in the last 7 years than ALL Labour Governments did in 33 years!
Conservatives: £670 Billion in the last 7 years (2010-17)
Labour:£500 Billion in 33 years#ToryIncompetence #Marr #BBCqt #PMQs #Ridge
The Conservatives have borrowed more in the last 7 years than ALL Labour Governments did in 33 years!

Conservatives: £670 Billion in the last 7 years (2010-17)
Labour:£500 Billion in 33 years#ToryIncompetence #Marr #BBCqt #PMQs #Ridge
“It's sad how the British public puts up with this, but they are not being informed by the media.”
You informed yourself, Kevin. The rest of the public could do the same if they really wanted to.
Here in the USA, conservatives led a whopping tax cut for the rich, which greatly boosted the federal deficit. Now Trump and the conservatives say, “Because of the huge deficit, we must cut social programs like Medicare and Social Security.”
And Trump’s fans cheer.
Incidentally the conservatives didn’t “borrow” more money than labor did, in the sense of borrowing money to spend.
Conservatives merely accepted more deposits in Bank of England savings accounts.
This article shows why identity politics is so necessary for the elites to stay in power. Militant liberals hate straight white non-Jewish males, who in turn hate liberals right back. There is so much hate and bickering among the peasants on all sides that they all submit to being impoverished and indebted slaves for life.
On the same blog (Dorset Eye) I saw a Daily Poll that asked, “What color poppy best represents commemorating the war dead?”
I would have submitted a response, but there was no option for “F—k you.”
I should wear a red poppy myself, not to commemorate war dead, but to draw attention the heroin and opium harvest in Afghanistan.
'Incidentally the conservatives didn’t “borrow” more money than labor did, in the sense of borrowing money to spend.'
Yes, I was wondering that Konrad, so I had this sitting about for a day until I posted it. I wondered whether it was all held up in bonds to reduce inflation. I tried to find details on it but there wasn't any. Thanks for the info.
Conservatives merely accepted more deposits in Bank of England savings accounts. Konrad
In order to receive welfare proportional to account balance in the inherently risk-free debt of a monetary sovereign, i.e. welfare for the rich.
Deficit spending is good. But positive* yields/interest on the inherently risk-free debt of a monetary sovereign is a corrupt relic of the Gold Standard.
*Actually, given overhead costs, non-negative.
Of course the Gold Standard itself was corrupt in that it made fiat too expensive for the entire population to use - thus forcing the non-bank private sector to use bank deposits or else be limited to mere physical fiat, coins and bills.
“So, from the standpoint of plain self-interest, the one-percenters and their useful academic spokespersons should argue FOR deficit-spending/money-creation and a growing public debt and the ninety-nine-percenters and their academic spokespersons should argue AGAINST it. Curiously, just the opposite happens.”
For details see
Austerity and the idiocy of political economists
MMT = proto-scientific junk + deception of the 99-percenters
Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
Hey Kaivey if they keep borrowing munnie like this maybe we’ll soon be of it ya think?....
I couldn't resist the explosive headline, Matt, I sinned, I put out fake news. :)
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