Saturday, November 3, 2018

Truman Delayed End of WWII to Demonstrate Nuclear Weapons - Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (3/8)

More on how Hitler refused to develop the atomic bomb.

Look at that photograph below, see how shocking it is? A child is still alive while everyone else is dead. Imagining the suffering? What's up with this world? I don't like to rant, but that photograph upset me!

To intimidate the Soviet Union and prove to Congress the nuclear program should be funded, Truman dropped nuclear weapons on Japan to end the war; no scientist came forward to warn of the dangers to life on earth, says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay


Matt Franko said...

US was looking at another 1M casualties in the planning for the land invasion of Honshu...

Matt Franko said...

"Personnel at the Navy Department estimated that the total losses to America would be between 1.7 and 4 million with 400,000 to 800,000 deaths. The same department estimated that there would be up to 10 million Japanese casualties. "

Noah Way said...

More idiocy from FRANKO™, the master retard.

There was no necessity to invade Japan, they could have been blockaded into submission. Their military and civilian infrastructures had been destroyed, they had no strategic resources or raw materials, and in fact did not capitulate because of the 2 atomic bombs - over 60 cities had already been firebombed to the ground. It was Russia's declaration of war that resulted in Japan's surrender.

Nebris said...

Blockading Japan into submission would have caused mass starvation that would killed easily five or ten times as many Japanese deaths as both bombs combined. Plus it is probably that the Soviets would have occupied Hokkaido.

Listen, spudlettes, when Yours Truly is on the same page with Franko, you know Shit Is Serious.

Noah Way said...

So a-bombing Japan was a humanitarian act?

As previously stated, it was Russia's declaration of war that made Japan surrender.

When you're on the same page as Franko you've had a serious lapse of cognitive function - as you've demonstrated here.