Saturday, November 3, 2018

Venezuelans Face Gasoline Shortages



Konrad said...

“Venezuela gas prices are still among the cheapest in the world.” ~ Bloomberg

How can that be, if there are (supposedly) “gas shortages”?

Venezuela’s government is not neoliberal. Therefore the West maintains sanctions and economic warfare against it, and also issues non-stop propaganda against it. Franko echoes every bit of the propaganda.

Normally people use “shithole” to refer to a nation, but in Franko’s case it can be used to refer to a person.

Matt Franko said...

Yo, they are literally sitting on top of oceans of petroleum and are out of gas.... hellllooooooo!!!!!

What is the CIA clandestinely sneaking in commando style with little hacksaws hidden in the soles of their shoes and cutting the pipelines from the wells to the refinery?

CIA is training little birdies to fly into the refineries and peck little holes in the pressure tubes????

These incompetent OPEC sobs cant even eat if they cant get their usual $75/bbl of monopoly rent in a barrel of oil...

Maybe they can try drinking the oil???? Petroleum smoothies????

Konrad said...

Bloomberg, Reuters, and PanAm Post claim that Venezuela has a gas shortage.

All three blogs are radically pro-neoliberal, and are dedicated to destroying all traces of socialism.

Hence their claims must be “true.”

Noah Way said...

Always wrong. 100% guaranteed or your munnie back.

CIA director admits involvement in Venezuela

US-Led Economic War, Not Socialism, Is Tearing Venezuela Apart

US Plotting Against Venezuela, CIA Head Confirms

Venezuela coup linked to Bush team

The Nature of CIA Intervention in Venezuela

Matt Franko said...

LOL wtf is the cia doing to prevent Venezuela from pumping and refining its own petroleum????


You’re as dumb as Venezuela....

Noah Way said...

What part of US-Led Economic War, Not Socialism, Is Tearing Venezuela Apart did you not understand (aside from all of it)?

Most Venezuelan crude processing is done by US refineries like CITGO. You are far too dim to understand that Venezuela doesn't really control the refining and the multitude of aggressive actions they face from lawsuits to sanctions to the Saudi oil dumping that crashed their oil-export based economy.

Giving mental retards a bad name.