Sunday, August 15, 2021

15 yard penalty


15 yard personal foul to GOP for piling on…

He’s scrambled eggs he looks like Captain Pike in the original Star Trek pilot pre Shatner:



Peter Pan said...

Unlike Pike, Biden would be unable to operate those lights.

lastgreek said...

Don’t rush to judgment, Matt. What if the Biden administration were to use the Taliban as a proxy the same way the previous two administrations used al Qaeda as a proxy against Syria. Just think of the possibilities, Matt.

Matt Franko said...

Cherry on top for GOP would be if Taliban did a Ayatollah redux and took hostages…

Prince thinks they are not that stupid but who knows…

Bottom line is they come over here again we gotta destroy those nations which as byproduct would probably lead to death of200 or 300 million of them… based on historic scaling.. which we if we did that on sept 12 2001 we obviously wouldn’t be in this situation… let’s see how it goes…

I’m more worried about what this is doing to Democrats politically…

Joe said...

Looks mostly successful to me. 70% of people have received at least one vaccine dose, covid's been rendered essentially a republican disease and we're actually leaving Afghanistan. This is winning, winning, winning.

Shouldn't hurt the dems politically. A majority of the American public has been against staying in Afghanistan for many years now. Recent events simply underscore what a collosal failure it was, gotta rip the band aid off. It's a bit awkward for Biden to claim victory since Obama should have left 10 years ago... Although the pro-war media is a wildcard.

Seriously, 20 years and you couldn't stand up an army that could hold off a group of illiterate goat herders in Toyota pickups with ak-47's and rpg's? 25% yearly desertion rate. I don't think these people really want what we're selling... but to be honest, what we were actually selling isn't what we advertised... there really is a perverted pleasure in seeing helicopters evacuating Kabul. I hate seeing it and hate myself for enjoying seeing it. Life's complicated.