Sunday, August 1, 2021

6M getting evicted and 9M losing UI


Incompetent Democrats… 


Peter Pan said...

"I give him an A"
"Exceeding expectations!"

-The Fraud Squad

lastgreek said...

Matt? Canadian here :)

The excuse is the filibuster. With this still in place, you need 60 votes in the Senate to pass any major legislation. You don't believe me? Ask Tom, he'll tell you.

You know, the filibuster should be a citizenship question. Those who just get that question right should automatically receive U.S. citizenship. I'd be a shoe in ;)

Matt Franko said...

It’s politically popular that’s why Sinema and others won’t be seen to get rid of it:

They wouldn’t be able to ballot box stuff enough to get back in….

lastgreek said...

"Incompetent Democrats..."

EliseStefanik @elisestefanik Jul. 30

Today’s Anniversary of Medicare & Medicaid reminds us to reflect on the critical role these programs have played to protect the healthcare of millions of families. To safeguard our future, we must reject Socialist healthcare schemes.

Matt, I don't think this dummy is a Democrat.

lastgreek said...

“ So she doesn’t want govt run healthcare? What is stupid about that?”

The oxymoronicity of the two sentences in her tweet.

Matt Franko said...

Medicare is not government run... it is a reimbursement scheme to private sector healthcare providers..

Matt Franko said...

would be like if the government reimbursed Fedex for postal services...