Saturday, August 14, 2021

What China Wants and Why — Tomas Pueyo

Backgrounder. Where China's red lines are and why they are drawn there. Hint-strategic importance. This article explains the history and geography. Interesting read.

Bill Totten's Weblog
What China Wants and Why
Tomas Pueyo, originally at Uncharted Territories


The hypothesis is strong clan relationships in a Confucian framework, giving a survival and reproduction advantage.

Marginal Revolution
How did China end up with so many people?
Tyler Cowen | Holbert C. Harris Chair of Economics at George Mason University and serves as chairman and general director of the Mercatus Center

See also

China's strategy for winning the hearts and minds of its non-Han population is improving living standard through equitable distribution, infrastructure provision and the tree treasures, namely, education, health care and welfare, raising all Chinese to moderate prosperity with no group left behind, which, after all, the socialist goal. 

Is China repressing its non-Han population? It appears to be chiefly in the case of resistance. Some of this resistance is from Islamist militancy but not all. Some is due to protesting perceived suppression of the Uighur traditional (formerly nomadic) way of life, as well as discrimination by the Han population there, which is increasing as living conditions improve. Fighting has broken out between the groups. (Ironically, a similar but opposite situation has arisen in the US, where the non-white population is increasing faster than the white, with a rising backlash to "take back our country," and an increasingly militant non-white population in the face of discrimination and perceived repression.)

Tibet celebrates urban development

China's Xinjiang now has over 10,000 5G base stations

History and Development of Xinjiang

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

Every sovereign state will attempt to defend its territorial integrity to the last man or woman. More territory = more resources.

And from time to time they will attempt something really stupid, such as a war of conquest.