Monday, December 17, 2018

Russia Is Ready To Defend Venezuela After Syria - Truth About The World We Live In!

Anglo-US imperialism is a real menace in the world. It is evil but masquerades itself as the good guy. It says it brings freedom and democracy - down the barrel of a gun - and free markets , so the Western elite can buy everything up, and usually very cheaply, because they have caused a crisis and bought at distressed prices.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia flooded the market with cheap oil. This was not a mere business decision, but a calculated move coordinated with U.S. and Israeli foreign policy goals.
Despite not just losing money, but even falling deep into debt, the Saudi monarchy continues to expand its oil production apparatus. In 2014 we saw the price of oil down from $110 per barrel, to $28 that year. The goal was to weaken the opponents of Wall Street, London, and Tel Aviv, whose economies are centered around oil and natural gas exports.
Donald Trump, or more commonly known as Potus, say's he's driving it. To a certain extent he is correct. While American media insists the low oil prices are just the natural cycle of the market at work, it’s rather convenient for U.S. foreign policy. Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Iran all have economies centered around state-owned oil companies and oil exports, and each of these countries has suffered the sting of low oil prices.
During the George W. Bush administration, oil prices were the highest they had ever been. The destruction of Iraq, sanctions on Iran and Russia, strikes and turmoil in Nigeria — these events created a shortage on the international markets, driving prices up. And this is when America discovered their grip on the oil markets and manipulated it.
Today, Qatar is leaving OPEC, financial times has reported that OPEC is not the power broker it once was, yes the old method of controlling prices by restricting production no longer works!
Russia has landed two nuclear-capable “Blackjack” bombers in Venezuela as part of a joint training exercise, it's evident, that Putin will showcase Moscow’s growing military prowess and send America a clear message, aslo shore up the position of Venezuela’s embattled president, Nicolás Maduro, and hopefully save him from the Zionist American grip. For too long America has controlled the world through oil, it's time to change all that. Iran, George w bush


Konrad said...

Earlier this month, Venezuelan President Maduro spent three days in Moscow. Shortly afterward Russia sent those two Russian Tu-160 bombers to Venezuela, but informed the USA beforehand. Russia also sent and Ilyushin IL-62 jetliner, plus and Antonov An-124 military transport plane.

The Russians stayed for five days, conducting joint exercises with Venezuela, and then returned to Russia.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stamped his feet, tore his clothes, and called Russia’s and Venezuela’s government corrupt.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov replied that Pompeo's insults sounded odd from a country "half of whose military budget would be enough to feed the whole of Africa."

Venezuela has Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets from Russia. Russian fighter pilots regularly train with Venezuelan fighter pilots, sharing knowledge gained from flying in Syria.

In September 2018 the Trump administration met with banished Venezuelan military officers who want the USA to overthrow President Maduro.

Several US Senators have introduced legislation that would grant “Temporary Protected Status” to Venezuelan immigrants in the USA so they don’t get deported. The immigrants must prove that they hate Maduro.

Sen. Dick Durbin (Democrat, Illinois)
Sen. Marco Rubio (Republican, Florida)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (Democrat, Vermont)
Sen. Bob Menendez (Democrat, New Jersey)

Konrad said...

Because those two bombers visited Venezuela for five days, CNN is sounding the alarm about “Russian aggression on America’s doorstep!” (2,800 miles from the USA.)

“With nuclear capable bombers that can fly at twice the speed of sound, Putin is trying to establish military foothold near American shores! The bombers have an impressive wingspan, and they need parachutes to slow down on landing! The pilots wear helmets and orange jumpsuits!”

The CNN video features an “expert” who warns of Russia’s “noo-kyoo-ler” weapons.

Noah Way said...

Never mind that Russia is surrounded by hundreds of US and NATO military bases bristling with tactical nuclear weapons, and that Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC, formerly known as SAC) “exercises” regular mock attacks on Russia, and that the US Navy is constantly making provocations on Russia territorial waters.

Unknown said...
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Konrad said...

“Why defend socialism so desperately?”

We need socialist alternatives to “there is no alternative” to neoliberalism, which seeks private ownership of everything and everyone.

“Is socialism the only alternative to government-privileged usury cartels?”

No, but a step in the right direction would be a bank like the Bank of North Dakota, which is publicly owned, i.e. socialistic. It’s the least usurious bank I know of.

“And does socialism even eliminate privileges for the banks?”

It depends on how far we take socialism. If all banks become 100% publicly owned, then their government privileges would not seem so outrageous.

At any rate, a problem deeper than the banks is our overall narrative, which grants moral and political supremacy to creditors over debtors. Because of this narrative, we let bankers create loan money out of thin air, and we let them use that money to steal and enslave.

If you owe money to the bankers, you are guilty, worthless, and inferior -- unless you are rich. As the saying goes, if you owe 100 thousand to a bank, you’re in trouble. If you owe 100 million to a bank, the bank’s in trouble.

Andrew Anderson said...

Actually, it doesn't take socialism to defeat the banks and to provide restitution to their victims but simply equal protection under the law with regard to fiat creation and use and some wisdom in the revocation of their privileges.

For example, consider the opportunity to distribute new fiat equally to the population without price inflation if deposit insurance and other privileges for the banks were abolished? And if, at the same time, the Fed sold all its private assets (which it shouldn't have bought in the first place) to soak up even more reserves?

Noah Way said...

When those who benfit wildly from abuses of the system control the system, there is only one possible outcome.