Thursday, December 13, 2018

Tony Kevin— Maria Butina Endgame

It seems she was not physically tortured in the strict sense of the word but her prolonged harsh and vindictive treatment waiting over five months for her repeatedly delayed trial amounted to ‘torture’. We do not know what interrogation techniques were used. We will be told one day.
She was and is a political prisoner and has been treated like a terrorist. Politically aware Russians will remember this case with particular rage. No American imprisoned in Russia on whatever charge has ever thus been treated by the Government of Russia.
This case has done great damage to prospects for improved Russia-US relations. What has been gained by the US ? Nothing.
I have to disagree. Of course, this was physical torture as well as psychological. This is not confined to Ms. Butina. It is standard US practice in the "criminal justice" system.

Trump is just as acquiescent as Obama to the power of the deep state (including military). It recalls, Sen Schumer's remark at the outset of the Trump presidency to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.
"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."
Butina is pawn in a plan to effect a soft coup in the US by weakening and if possible, removing, the elected president. I am not a fan the president and certainly did not vote for him (or HRC either). However, this attack by the deep state on the democratic process is not only un-American, it won't end well either. It's another step toward fascism.

Maria Butina Endgame
Alex Henderson

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