Sunday, December 9, 2018

Total Media Blackout! Paris Is Far Worse Than They Will Tell You!

In this interview, Bob, an alias, says that this French revolution is going to grow and will spread into Europe and maybe even go to the US. He says this unites both the left and right. He says it will get worse over the coming month and he believes a new government will be installed which will probably be more authortarian. He says how the police and the military are on the people's side. The violence is caused by the police using aggressive actions, like teargas on peaceful demonstrators.

Macron is just a figurehead who gets his instructions from the bankers, says Bob. People are fed up with the globalist agenda.

Yes, we are sick of the austerity while the bankers rake in billions. We are sick of TINA and tax cuts for the rich while services are cut but with tax increases for the rest of us - 20% VAT in the UK.

The good jobs have been off-shored and we are sick of low wages, reduced pensions, reduced holidays, self employed contracts so people can't get any perks.

We are sick of Zero Hours, no future for our children, excessive hours spent at work, expensive houses and rents. We are sick of the non-stop 24/7 work culture.

It looks like people are catching into the con of neoliberalism.

In this video, Luke takes to the streets of Paris France where there is a feeling in the air something BIG is about to happen. In fact, there seems to be a total media blackout, and the truth is that Paris is far worse than they will tell you!


Konrad said...

Part 1 of 2

“Bob says that this French revolution is going to grow and will spread into Europe and maybe even go to the US.”

The protests have already spread to Belgium and Holland. And yes the French revolution will continue to grow, because the pressure on the French masses will continue to grow. Endless neoliberal attacks, endlessly rising taxes, and endlessly plunging salaries.

Plus, there is resentment against immigrants, who seem to multiply like roaches. (Economic hardship fuels racism.) Many French people think that revenue from the endless tax increases goes to oligarchs, and to social services for African and Muslim immigrants. Mosques in France are sprouting like weeds.

“Bob says this unites both the left and right. He says it will get worse over the coming month and he believes a new government will be installed which will probably be more authoritarian.”

Authoritarian in what way? Will it further crush the masses who are now being crushed by the current government?

“Macron is just a figurehead who gets his instructions from the bankers, says Bob.”

Macron is an administrator for the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats of the European Commission. (The European Commission in Brussels is not to be confused with the powerless European Parliament in Strasbourg France, and in Luxembourg.)

The Commission’s power comes from the euro currency, which Macron has pledged to support at all costs. Since France has a trade deficit, and since the French government cannot create euros out of thin air, France must borrow all its euros from bankers. To pay back the bankers with their compound interest, Macron must squeeze more and more money out of the French public. Hence the protests.

Macron is dedicated to the European Commission because he falsely imagines that the Commission is a counterweight to Germany, which rules Europe.

“People are fed up with the globalist agenda.”

Many Europeans are sick of being told that their ever-worsening pain is a necessary sacrifice for glorious “Europe,” which means Germany, the bankers, and the unelected European Commission. If you are a French person starving in a rural area, or if you live in an urban area that is overrun with immigrants, it’s all for “Europe.” You must commit suicide for the bankers. This is called “centrism” and being a “moderate.”

If you don’t like this nightmare, then you are an evil populist and a nationalist. You are a Nazi, a Commie, and a homophobic anti-Semitic racist.

. . . continued below . . .

Konrad said...

Part 1 of 2

“Bob says how the police and the military are on the people's side. The violence is caused by the police using aggressive actions, like teargas on peaceful demonstrators.”

The police and gendarmerie support the people, and yet the police are violent toward the people. The reason for this contradiction is that the police are being economically squeezed like everyone else, and they must work long hours to keep the public controlled. Therefore, despite police support for the people, the weary and frustrated police sometimes erupt into extreme violence, physically beating protesters with clubs, and throwing hundreds into jail.

“Yes, we are sick of the austerity while the bankers rake in billions. We are sick of TINA and tax cuts for the rich while services are cut but with tax increases for the rest of us - 20% VAT in the UK. “

Austerity for France is unavoidable as long as the French government clings to “Europe” and the euro currency. By contrast, austerity for the UK is 100% gratuitous and unnecessary. Hence the UK government is just as odious as the French government; in some ways even more so. The French government is Macron (a homosexual dwarf who is now in hiding) while the UK government can be likened to The Guardian.

“The good jobs have been off-shored and we are sick of low wages, reduced pensions, reduced holidays, and self-employed contracts so people can't get any perks. We are sick of Zero Hours, no future for our children, excessive hours spent at work, expensive houses and rents. We are sick of the non-stop 24/7 work culture.”

The protests are coming to the UK and most of the world. This is only the beginning.

We saw all this coming years ago. All of us knew that the entire EU project would inevitably become more and more oppressive until it was finally overthrown.

Konrad said...

The French social narrative has changed.

Until recently, French people who knew that Macron was a puppet of elitists did not admit this openly. As a result, the French social narrative was fractured. This fracturing allowed the corporate media outlets to keep the masses divided and helpless. The media called people “Nazis,” “Commies,” “racists,” “far right,” “far left,” and so on, while neoliberal extremists were “centrists.” Neoliberal fanatics were “moderates,” like the US-backed “moderate” head-choppers in Syria.

This is a typical routine. When bankers and elitists grind the masses into the dirt, the masses vent their anger and anguish on each other, in order to distract their own attention from their suffering. In blaming each other they remain divided and powerless. As bankers and elitists continue their assault, the masses become so miserable that blaming each other no longer works. Hardship and hopelessness dissolve their veneer of self-righteous bullshit. The public narrative becomes unified. Leftists and right-wingers alike blame politicians, bankers, and eurocrats.

Politicians know only two ways to respond to this: try to divide the masses again, or else crush the masses with naked merciless force. If neither response works, the result is a Revolution.

Konrad said...

The UK Daily Mail claims that, according to the Parisien newspaper, tomorrow night (Mon 19 Dec) Macron will appear on TV to give an “apologetic television address and announce tax cuts.”

This will be bullshit. Because of the euro, combined with France’s trade deficit, Macron could not stop his attacks on workers even if he wanted to. Even if Macron stops sucking blood from workers in the form of ever-increasing taxes, Macron will be forced to suck blood in other ways such as mass privatization, mass cuts to infrastructure support, and mass cuts to public health programs and pensions. This is unavoidable. As long as France keeps the euro, and grovels to Brussels, Macron must obey his masters. If he is eventually run out of office, he will have no idea why. “I tried to help France remain an honored member of the EU, and this is how I was repaid.”

Last month Macron declared nationalism a “betrayal of patriotism.” That is, a betrayal of globalism and neoliberalism.

Incidentally, French protesters smash windows of places like Starbucks coffee stores because the protesters correctly think that big corporate chains pay no taxes. Only workers pay taxes.

Noah Way said...

The revolution will not be televised.