Sunday, December 16, 2018

TRNN - Oliver Stone: American 'War State' Has 'the Worst Media in the World'

When was the last time you have seen Noam Chomsky on TV, says, Oliver Stone?

Oscar winner Oliver Stone says even he has difficulty producing films these days, because the US corporate media silences anti-war voices, and "We've really gone to the right in America."


Konrad said...

Oliver Stone was once a successful director. His anti-war films got many awards and nominations. So what happened?

Today you must support the Hollywood establishment’s pro-war policies, or you’re out.

But wait . . . in 1998 Stone produced an excellent movie titled Salvador which was tangentially about the U.S.-backed war on Nicaragua, but was also a film about the plight of immigrants. What if Stone did another film like that? Would Hollywood back him? After all, Hollywood liberals love immigrants, don’t they?

No. The Hollywood establishment hates immigrants, but pretends not to, because the establishment opposes all things Trump.

Therefore Stone has little chance unless he does a film that attacks Trump, and attacks heterosexual non-Jewish white males. Or he does something that affirms the supremacy of Jews, such as a holo-hoax™ movie like Shitter’s List. Or if Stone does a film that attacks Iran, or North Korea, or Bashar Al-Assad, or Nicolas Maduro.

You must support the warmonger establishment, or the liberal establishment, or the neoliberal establishment. One or more of the three.

Maybe a film about a black Jewish female transsexual immigrant hero who hustles on Wall Street by day, while bombing Iran at night.

Noah Way said...

Stone's Untold History of the United States is a compelling piece of work and follows Howard Zinn's writings.

Nebris said...

“Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower