Saturday, January 19, 2019

Richard Wolff - The National Debt Explained by Richard D Wolff

Richard Wolff explains why we have austerity. 6:11 minutes. This video was made before he became an advocate for MMT.


Konrad said...

Richard D Wolff falsely thinks the US government borrows its spending money from big corporations. He falsely thinks that this is why the US government imposes austerity on the masses.

And here he is filling people’s heads with his false nonsense.

Incidentally the so-called “national debt crisis” involves a self-contradictory social phenomenon. On one hand, average Americans have an attitude of “screw you; I’ve got mine.” They hate living in a world where people help each other. That’s why Americans hate any form of socialism.

On the other hand Americans are fascinated by the “national debt crisis” hoax, because it means that sooner or later everyone must share the pain. It's like worrying about a giant non-existent asteroid hurtling toward the earth.

Richard D Wolff helps to keep the "national debt crisis" hoax alive.

(No doubt Wolff, who is Jewish, also promotes the six million™ hoax.)

Kaivey said...

It's an old video, but today he's a advocate for MMT.